Personas and PPC Campaigns

What is a Persona? A persona is a fictitious customer profile that is created for the purpose of understanding who a customer is so that they can be properly, demographically targeted. The average PPC Campaign has at least 2 touch points with the consumer (the Top and Mid or the Mid and Bottom parts of […]
The Consumer Funnel and PPC Campaigns

With a quick Google search for Consumer Funnel you will find a bunch of results that look like these: The Consumer Funnel is a model that was created by marketers that is based on consumer behavior throughout the purchasing process. There are many different ways that a consumer can find a product, learn about it […]
How to Spend Less and Make More with Your PPC Campaigns

As a Digital Marketing consultant, one of the most common issues that I address with clients on a regular basis is the consumer funnel and whether or not their PPC campaigns are targeting each part of the The Consumer Funnel with the most effective ads and landing pages. Most if not all of my clients […]