Keep your expenses low and get support from a seasoned PPC manager with over 20 years of experience without having to hire one full time

I offer flat monthly retainer packages for agencies on a bundled account basis

Do your PPC account managers feel “just okay” at managing client accounts? Are poor performance and high turnover rates holding your agency back?

With over 20 years of experience managing PPC accounts of all sizes—and 9 years specializing in white-label PPC management for agencies like yours—I’ve seen it all. I know the challenges you face, and I know the high consulting fees that often block access to the solutions you need.

That’s why I’m now offering affordable, tailored PPC consulting services designed to:

✅ Boost account performance
✅ Improve client retention
✅ Maximize ROI on the PPC side of your business

All packages include email support, video screen recordings for customized, short tutorials and a set number of hours for consulting time directly with me on a scheduled call.

Here are my packages:

Monthly Retainer Package - Gold


✅ Up to 20 PPC accounts Email Support
✅ Monthly report review with recommendations
✅ Bi-Weekly report review with recommendations
✅ 4 hours worth of calls to be used throughout the month for account review, troubleshooting, PPC training

Monthly Retainer Package - Silver


✅ Up to 10 PPC accounts Email Support
✅ Monthly report review with recommendations
✅ Bi-Weekly report review with recommendations
✅ 2 hours worth of calls to be used throughout the month for account review, troubleshooting, PPC training

Monthly Retainer Package - Bronze


✅ Up to 5 PPC accounts Email Support
✅ Monthly report review with recommendations
✅ Bi-Weekly report review with recommendations
✅ 1 hour worth of calls to be used throughout the month for account review, troubleshooting, PPC training

Ready to outsource your paid ads management to a reliable professional with a proven track record?

Schedule your Free intro call with me by clicking the link below.